Friday, April 4, 2008

The baby is coming soon

The doctor says it won't be long until she arrives. I go for a checkup on Monday and she will let me know how things are progressing. She doesn't won't me to go past 39 weeks because of the gestational diabetes so we are looking at somewhere around April14 instead of the 23rd. We are excited and ready for her to get here.


Andrea and Jeff said...

oh my goodness! only 9 more days! so, is your mom still coming on the 21st or is she changing her travel plans? so exciting - we can't wait to meet her! thanks for keeping us posted. btw, you look great! praying!

KLee said...

Don't you look wonderful! I was just thinking about you the other day wondering if your sweet baby girl had arrived. Does she have a name that you are sharing?

The Byrds said...

You look great! We can't wait to see pictures of her! We love you guys and miss you! Scott and Rebecca